6 Things Not To Do With Your Framed Article Plaque

Very often I hear, “What is custom wall plaque for?” Typically I respond with an abundance of answers explaining how a framed custom article plaque can be great for employee motivation, as a gift, and for your own sense of accomplishment. However, I thought it would be fun to develop a list of what a plaque is not to be used for.

Don’t use your framed article plaque this way


  1. Do not eat off the plaque. While the finish of our plaques along with the quality of our lamination process creates a museum-like appearance, the food will simply slide off the plaque.
  2. Do not speak to your plaque and expect a response. Just like a photograph, a plaque will not speak back to you. However, if you find that the plaque is responding, seek help.
  3. Never hang the plaque where your boss’s bald spot can be viewed in the reflection. While it may be funny at first, that will come back to haunt you. Your boss will remember!
  4. Do not attempt to use your custom plaque as a shield in a paint ball tournament. While our plaques are strong and durable they are not to be used as defense mechanisms.
  5. No drawing mustaches and funny faces on other peoples’ plaques. Especially not with a sharpie. The recipient will most likely not think it is funny.
  6. Lastly, do not let your custom plaque go into hiding in a storage closet. Custom plaques want to be displayed.

Developing this list was surprisingly easy. I didn’t realize how many different ways a plaque could be used incorrectly. In all seriousness, though, a custom wall plaque is truly a celebration of your achievements and accomplishments. So gather your newspaper and magazine articles, turn them into decorative assets,  and use them to celebrate your great news.

At the end of the day, the best use of you recognition plaque is on your wall. Choose a location where you can view it and be proud of your accomplishments. Click below to get started on creating your very own framed article custom wall plaque.


Where is the best place you have seen a plaque hung? Please share below.