Top 5 New Ways To Use Articles To Build Sales, Leads, Brand Image and Employee Morale
Published articles raise the visibility and credibility of any business. They are important assets but quickly lose their value if not used to their fullest. Don’t let your article assets stagnate. Leverage them proactively by repurposing them.
Ideal articles include:
- Corporate achievements that build competitive advantage.
- Corporate milestones that build brand image.
- Employee recognition, both within the company and the community, that enhances the corporate image as a desired workplace.
- Articles about community involvement that polish the corporate reputation for social consciousness.
All articles build employee morale, your most important asset!
New Ways To Leverage Articles
More than likely you are already using articles in traditional ways: PR Releases, sales materials, and recognition plaques. Here are 5 new ways in the digital age that you might not have thought of:
- Include mentions of great news from your articles in social media conversations (e.g. Facebook and Twitter) and update your company LinkedIn profile. Make sure to use the conversational format that works best for the social audience. For example, rather just shout “Voted Top 100 Companies in Connecticut” you may get more mileage by saying “Our employees have taken enormous pride in having our company voted in the Top 100 Companies in Connecticut.” This has the added advantage of being more likely to be shared or mentioned by the employees, greatly increasing message exposure.
- Add the article as an individual page on your website with all the SEO techniques applied. Additionally, add it to “Testimonials”, issue a PR News Release (not your typical press release) and link it to content throughout your website.
- Use in your corporate blog. Write a blog post (or several, using different URLs, titles, and keywords) around the article, providing texture and color not contained in the original.
- Use the article headline and related quotations or excerpts in:
- Whitepapers
- eBooks
- Call outs and pull quotes in online sales materials
- Use as social proof. Being recognized by a third party (the publication) is important social proof in a variety of situations. Be creative in identifying them.
Of course, nothing can compete with the traditional wall mounted award or recognition plaque for the company wall and as a gift to the recognized employee. If you have a newsworthy article that hasn’t been featured in a plaque, consider letting us help you celebrate this great news. It’s quick, easy, and you can get a free online preview in just 48-72 hours. Click the link below to get started.
What creative ways are you leveraging published articles?