Category: Tips & Ideas

Design Inspiration, Tips, Tricks & Ideas for Your Great News

The Importance of Getting Featured in a Newspaper or Magazine In today’s digital age, where social media and online publications dominate the media landscape, getting featured in a traditional newspaper or magazine may seem like a thing of the

Preserving Newspaper Clippings, it’s a lot easier than it used to be.  Everyone loves old newspaper articles!   We have become fascinated with what we are able to find.    It used to be newspaper clipping was the only way you could

Mounting and Preserving Newspaper Clippings, it’s a lot easier than it used to be.  Everyone loves old newspaper articles! We have become fascinated with what people post and also what we are able to find.    It used to be newspaper

Hello and welcome to the That’s Great News blog. Today, we here at That’s Great News wanted to talk about a topic that is near and dear to our hearts: how to take care of your plaque so that

Custom plaques are great for business. They allow you and your business to portray your accomplishments. Plaques are a great way to show off the newspaper article you wrote, the magazine you or your business was featured in, or the award you

Everyone wants to record their accomplishments for their children, for their businesses, and for their futures. Everyone wants to be seen for the good they’ve done for others and their communities. So, if you’ve had a newspaper article written about you,

How much money does a company spend on advertising?  If you are a business that has a product or are in a competitive industry the answer is a lot. So when the opportunity arises to take advantage of free press why

3 easy steps to get your magazine article onto a custom laminated wall plaque. In the world today it’s about convenience.  Today more and more people are making purchases online. How are you adapting and developing easy, more convenient ways to help

You put in your time, did the research, conducted the interviews, wrote your heart out, then tore it up and started over. Well, probably not started completely over, but you looked at what you had put together and thought

Article Preservation If you’re looking for an interesting, personalized gift for someone difficult to please, a custom newspaper or magazine wall plaque may be just what you need. Custom framed newspaper and magazine articles are a unique, thoughtful way