That's Great News

Generational Insight: How to Give Recognition to Generation Y

Welcome to Part 4 of this five-part series on recognition practices that work according to generational differences. So far, we’ve examined Matures, Baby Boomers, and Generation X. Today, we are going to take a close look at Generation Y and the very distinct preferences, values, and opinions they possess that tend to affect recognition success.Y It Matters…
Generation Y has at times been estimated to include over 70 million individuals, all born between 1980 and 1990. They are the largest generation, with only the Baby Boomer generation close on its heels. There’s quite a bit that sets these youngsters apart from generations before it, as you’ll see in these common characteristics:

 Recognizing Generation Y
When faced with the task of recognizing a member of Generation Y, here are some tips:

The perfect example of how to make this work for a Gen Yer is to feature him or her in a feature article in a magazine or newspaper, detailing the event, project, or occasion, and praising him or her openly for the contribution. If a team was involved, then it’s necessary to include details as such as well.

The Next Step
If you’ve had the distinct opportunity to recognize a Generation Y in a newspaper or magazine article, then take the next step by having it preserved in a custom article mount from That’s Great News. Working technology into the mix is easily accomplished as well, especially with the latest and greatest video plaques. With this breakthrough technology, you can mount video frames and include a unique QR code that provides a direct link to the original online video. Generation Y will love you for it.

We will even show you how great it will look for FREE with a no-obligation, online preview. Start today!

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