That’s Great News

How A Framed Magazine Article Plaque Can Enhance Your Business

Having your business featured prominently in a magazine or newspaper article is a wonderful achievement. It gets the word out about your business and capabilities. It allows others who may have never heard of you to take notice. The best way to preserve that article and keep the momentum going is by having the article professionally mounted and framed.Common-small-business-twitter-mistake-too-much-self-promotion-300x199

It doesn’t matter if you are a smaller business or a larger company, turning your articles into a framed magazine article offers a wide range of benefits. As a leader, you are constantly seeking out ways to promote your business and make your company better and stronger.

In this article, Janet Attard discusses the top 31 Ways to Promote Your Business. Five top ways are described below. To read about all 31 ways, follow the link above.

  1. Ensure your social media outlets are in place. Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. are the forums people use to find new information and do their research on companies. It is imperative that you keep these outlets updated and current.
  2. Attend meetings with professional groups. The best way to get known is by putting yourself out there. You will meet new people who could potentially help you as well as people associating your face with the service you supply.
  3. Publicize your unique service. Have press releases published in publications whose readers seek out your services. Hang framed magazine and newspaper articles around your office and waiting room for current and potential clients to see.
  4. Ask for referrals. Do not be weary of asking current customers for referrals. Many companies are built upon actual customers praising your abilities.
  5. Have pertinent information ready to go. Develop a packet or PDF filled with press releases, testimonials, FAQ’s so you can easily send this information to potential customers.

Enhance the effectiveness of your business articles by having them professionally framed by us by clicking below.

What are some successful business promotion techniques you have seen? Please share below.

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