Leadership Secrets And Framed Newspaper Articles

Be a strong leader using rewards and personalized recognition such as framed newspaper article plaques.

The ability to hand out recognition and praise should is an innate quality of a leader. Instilling positive morale is done through actions on the leader’s part. Along with business sense, a leader must also have the ability to interact with employees and promote a positive attitude and personal validation.

Leadership Secrets


Secrets to Leadership Success shares simple tips that can be used in any workplace. While not every leadership style is the same, the outcomes of utilizing leadership tactics are: a positive environment with employees who take pride in their company and their leader’s abilities.

Characteristics of a Successful Leader

  • Fairness. A strong leader understands his/her employees and allocates responsibilities evenly to ensure each employee has the opportunity to live up to his or her potential.
  • Employee Motivation. Providing goals and incentives entices employees to strive for success. The promise of a prize at the end of the tunnel is essential during tough and frustrating days.
  • Be Personable. Know your employees and respect them.
  • Give credit where credit is due. Acknowledge each individual’s role.
  • Recognize hard work and achievement.

How a Leader Can Reward Hard Work

  • Handwritten notes. A simple note with a motivational sentiment is important.
  • Framed Newspaper Article Plaques. Hardworking people deserve extrinsic rewards to validate their contributions to the company. Have your newspaper articles professionally framed and distribute them to worthy employees.

commemorative-plaque-bs-1Creating a positive atmosphere is easier said than done. However, the environment of the workplace is key to success. Happy employees lead to higher productivity. When employees feel a connection to their company and its output, they are going to work harder.

“When someone comes along who genuinely thanks us, we will follow that person a very long way.” – Alan Loy McGinnis

Click below to get started on recognizing your employees’ hard work and contributions. We will customize a newspaper or magazine article plaque to your specifications and we guarantee the recipient will be pleased.


What are some interesting ways you have seen business leaders recognize their employees? Please share below.