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Promote Your Business With Framed Newspaper Article Plaques

Business owners are constantly seeking out beneficial avenues for promoting their businesses. It can be difficult to filter out which promotional offers are worthwhile. Every industry and service has its own “go to” promotional techniques that have proven to work.

However, you want your company to stand out so that your competition becomes irrelevant. A great way to position yourself independently from other companies offering the same service is to collect magazine articles, newspaper articles, and press releases and have them professionally framed and prominently displayed in your business. Promoting-Your-Business

Why Go With A Framed Newspaper Article

Promoting Your Business in an Inexpensive Way
Micheal Gray offers inexpensive options for promoting your business and keeping costs low. Below are three strong points to consider when promoting your business. Click above to read about other promotional opportunities.
  • Utilizing Social Media Outlets- Yahoo and Google offer numerous analytic tools that can keep you informed of what consumers are looking for.
  • Offer PDF’s & Ebooks- Consumers enjoy working with companies that provide them the most information and are genuinely interested in informing the community about their service and industry. Having e-books or PDF’s prepared to send out to potential and current clients is a simple way to promote your message.
  • Email Signatures- It may sound irrelevant but people take special notice of a person’s email signature. Make sure you provide a working URL to your website as well as something memorable.
Follow the link below to get started on getting your newspaper articles framed!
What are some promotional techniques you have seen help a business “stand out”? Please share below.
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