Recognize Your Success- Using Framed Newspaper & Magazine Articles

Growing up, you constantly hear, “Live up to your potential”. This sentiment is drilled into your brain from your first step to your last day before retirement. It is a wonderful guiding light. It eases those late nights of studying and those frustrating days when you are working your way up. Very rarely though do you stop to breath and look back on your journey to the top. The-Secret-Of-Success

Transform “Live up to your potential” into “Recognizing your success”. When you or your business is featured in a newspaper or magazine article, it is imperative that you capitalize on acknowledging your triumphs by having these articles professionally framed.

How a framed article allows you to tune into your success

  • You deserve it. Your actions made someone else take notice and write an article about you.
  • Every step to the top counts. There are multiple milestones along the way to a successful career.
  • Visualizing your success is its own motivator. Knowing you have accomplished various tasks is just as important as seeing those results come to fruition.
  • Extrinsic rewards carry intrinsic value. Your ability to work hard and stay motivated is an intrinsic value and having a tangible extrinsic reward is a complimentary result.

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Here’s to smelling the roses before they die!

As humans, we constantly seek validation. This can be from our co-workers, bosses, etc. Hard work deserves to be recognized and nothing screams recognition like a custom wall plaque depicting your hard work.
Gerard C. Eakedale once said, “Recognition is the greatest motivator.” Take advantage of the newspaper and magazine articles by transforming them into framed article plaques made with the finest materials and personalized to reflect your accomplishments.
How have you seen success recognized in the workplace? Please share below.