That’s Great News

Snowflakes & Guitars: Unique Product Gets Unique Article Framing

The East Texas Piney Woods could be the perfect place for a business that specializes in crafting musical instruments from wood. Luthier Steven Kinnaird has been building unique guitars in Nacogdoches since 1980, but just recently took his craft to the national market, and that earned him some press coverage worthy of newspaper article mounting.


The story appeared in the Daily Sentinel, a local paper in the mid-sized East Texas town, in early September. The piece reflected the subject’s artistic bent, with professional full-color photographs and an article that focused attention on Kinnaird’s love of his art and new-found wider acclaim.

Each One a Custom Labor of Love
Kinnaird first began building guitars more than 30 years ago. He built gifts and took on custom-design projects for friends, only expanding his business in the last five years with a professional web site and online store. While Kinnaird has come into his own through skill and years of dedication to his craft, technology has boosted his name recognition and brought him new clientele from all walks of life. Like snowflakes, each Kinnaird Guitar is unique, and as a bonus, each one is designed to the specifications of the music-maker who orders it.

Custom Wall Plaque: Apropos For a Craftsman Who Works in Wood
Kinnaird Guitars serves a discerning echelon of the music world, so coverage in the local paper may not do much to boost the luthier’s business. But, great news coverage is deserving of its own place in the gallery of Kinnaird’s best work. Among a forest of Texas Pines, in a shop of exotic woods that create beautiful music, Kinnaird and his patrons for generations to come will be able to read the Daily Sentinel coverage like a kind of historical marker, thanks to newspaper article mounting.

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