What happens to a magazine article when it is not framed?

It is wonderful to be featured in a magazine article! To see your name and success spread out over the pages of a publication that anyone can read is an incredible achievement. Unfortunately, over time paper can become damaged and useless- there is a way to make your moment in the press a timeless treasure. Turn your magazine article into a framed magazine plaque. You can choose from our traditional wood look to our new contemporary acrylic Lucinda Series!


Don’t let this happen to your magazine articles! 

  • Damaged. No matter how carefully you store copies of the magazine, things happen. Water damage and mildew can destroy your article and force you to discard of something you are proud of.
  • Lost. Things go missing. Whether it is from changing offices or moving, as time passes articles can disappear.
  • Faded. Articles fade over time. They become discolored and yellowed. However, if you have the article professionally framed on a plaque, our laminating technique prevents the article from ever deteriorating.
  • Crinkled. Whether you choose to preserve the article in a folder, regular frame or in a drawer; eventually the article will begin to age and crinkle.
achievement-plaque-bs-1A framed magazine article plaque has the ability to let you recognize your hard work as well as those around you. In order to improve employee motivation, it is necessary to employ recognition tactics that work. Along with ensuring magazine articles do not get lost or damaged over time, visit Make Their Day to check out some useful, inexpensive tips that can help you recognize your employee’s hardwork!
Some ideas include…
  • Bravo Balloon: Colleagues can recognize fellow workers’ hard work and contributions by giving them gifts and notes.
  • Recognition Game: Develop a game that your employees can play that reinforces the company’s ideals and strengths.
  • Team Appreciation: Come up with a clever way to tell your staff that their daily contributions are valued and noticed.
You do not want to let your press articles be lost to damage and time so follow the link below to get started on preserving your articles onto beautiful custom plaques.
Have you ever been featured in a magazine and wanted to have that moment preserved on a plaque? Please share below.